
Clients rarely consider disability as part of their overall financial plan. Results from a recent survey found there is a 30% chance of being out of work for 3 or more months due to a disabling illness or injury. Do you ask your client what they will do if this happens? We can design them a solution.

Disability Insurance Resources

As for a disability income conversation starter kit for a range of disability insurance solutioins. Even if you’ve never sold DI before, we’ll give you the tools you need to help protect your clients’ income.:

  • Income Replacement: Need some basic facts and statistics to help talk to your clients about disability insurance? Start here.
  • Illustrations: What information do you need to run an illustration? Find out here.
  • Carriers: We’ll do the best we can to match your client’s budget with his or her need for income protection.

Disability Insurance for Business Owners

1 in 4 of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire.

  • Buy-Sell Disability: What if one of your client’s business partners becomes disabled? Find out how buy-sell disability insurance can help.
  • Business Overhead: If your client is disabled, who pays the equipment leases, rent, and employee salaries while they’re out of work? Sole proprietors with employees are especially vulnerable.
  • Key Employee: What happens when your client’s best employee becomes permanently disabled? What happens to the business your client worked so hard to build? Help them protect what they’ve built with key employee disability insurance.